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"Defend Yourself Against" EXCESSIVE GAS

Updated: May 18, 2023

In the making of our YouTube video “defend yourself against” EXCESSIVE GAS, we read that anything over about 25 farts a day is considered excessive gas. Most of the time it's caused by something you ate, how much you ate, and how well your digestive system is working.

While farts can be funny, this is a very real and pretty miserable issue, not to mention, embarrassing. Nine out of 10 adults experience at least one gas related discomfort each day. Which means that a lot of people reading can likely relate.

Thankfully in most cases this can be remedied with simple diet and lifestyle changes. We put together a few tips while researching that can potentially help you defend yourself against excessive gas.

One simple way to reduce farts is to limit the amount of air you swallow. You can do this by eating more slowly and chewing with your mouth closed. As well as skipping chewing gum, which can also cause you to swallow air. If you're a smoker, you swallow air with every puff you take so that can really add a lot of excess air to your system.

Food is one of the biggest culprits of excessive gas so cutting back on gas producing foods can greatly help.

Some gas producing foods include;

High Fiber foods which include vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy and Brussels sprouts

Legumes like beans, peas, and lentils,

Whole grains like wheat and oats.

Fructose containing foods such as, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini,

Fruits like apples, peaches, pears, and prunes which contain the natural sugar alcohol, sorbitol, which the body has trouble digesting, this also applies to fruit juices as well.

Lactose which is a sugar found in dairy; like milk, cheese and ice cream

Let's not forget those party drinks like sodas, beer and other carbonated drinks

Chronic disease can also be the culprit, like diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, IBS, celiac disease, and lactose intolerance can be exacerbated by those foods.

If you are experiencing other symptoms along with excessive gas like;

Bloody stools

Change in consistency of stools

Change in frequency of bowel movements

Weight loss

Constipation or diarrhea

Persistent or recurrent nausea or vomiting

Prolonged abdominal pain or

Chest pain

Please seek medical attention immediately.

So, if you try our tips and are still experiencing excessive gas and you do not have any of the serious symptoms we mentioned, a great next step is an elimination diet to check for food intolerances. Elimination diets are intended to help you narrow down trigger foods (that could be creating excessive gas for you).

There are also products you can utilize to better support your body in processing the food you eat. Probiotics provide your gut with good bacteria that help you break down your food properly.

You can also try an enzyme supplement like prebiotics that helps your body break down complex carbs, proteins and fats before they reach the large intestine which is where they are broken down by gas producing bacteria.

Last but not least, our favorite tip of all, move your body. Just a small amount of daily movement can kick your digestive tract into gear.

For your sake, and for those around you, we hope these tips help you to avoid those crampy gas pains and excessive possibly stinky farts.

We want you to feel great so you can tackle all that life brings your way.

And lastly our affiliate links to enzymes and probiotics we recommend, PROBIOTIC LINK, ENZYME LINK.

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